John Dealt, Went
This anagram of “John Wetteland” pretty much describes the 1990s for the decade’s top reliever.
This anagram of “John Wetteland” pretty much describes the 1990s for the decade’s top reliever.
The Cubs and Pirates routinely fought for last place despite having batting orders anchored by two of the most prodigious home run hitters in the game’s history.
You can feel the air leaving the stadium when the first two batters of a visiting team get on base. Optimists don’t mind, as this is only setting the...
Sherry Robertson had a lifetime .230 batting average, struck out in every at-bat of the 1941 season, and may have owed his job to being a relative of Senators’ owner Clark Griffith. He did, however, possess a strong arm.
The Pirates sucked in the early ’50s. And yes, Bill Howerton absolutely looks like a grown-up version of The Sandlot’s Ham Porter.
There are tons of examples of writing that argue for or against the inclusion of Barry Bonds into the Baseball Hall of Fame. This isn’t one of them.
With more than 50% of the players appearing in the 1952 Topps checklist having been in the military, there was bound to have been a lot of baseball played on military bases.
Tim Salmon was the first of the Angels’ big fish. He was also attacked by a houseboat and his baseball cards were part of a major shift in how we chase rookie cards.