Say “Cheese!”
Chris Van Cuyk looks absolutely thrilled to be on his first baseball card. It looks like he is saying, “cheese” for the photo, but when did people start doing this when posing for pictures?
Chris Van Cuyk looks absolutely thrilled to be on his first baseball card. It looks like he is saying, “cheese” for the photo, but when did people start doing this when posing for pictures?
Distraction and sleight of hand work together to create successful performances of magic tricks. Murry Dickson was a master of both and employed these skills to create one of the most steady pitching performances of a career that reached into parts of three decades. This story has it all, from card tricks and baseballs that seemingly pass through opposing bats to vanishing bank robbers and an arm that made Father Time a liar.
How is Bob Welch assigned card #151 in the ’93 Finest checklist? He should be card #27. That number, after all, is one that appears several times in his career.
Almost immediately following Willie Mays in the 1952 Topps checklist is the guy hired specifically to replace him. Also, I need to get some sunscreen.
If I ever get one of those little yappy dogs that thinks it is always right and ten times its actual size I’m going to name it Solly. The name just fits.
High performance and the occasional physical breakdown. Whether one is talking about a BMW 8-Series or pitcher Erik Hanson the combination is worth it.
In keeping with the recent unexpected bowling theme, I take a look at professional bowler John Burkett. Baseball fans probably know him as a key pitcher with the Giants and Red Sox.
Be careful attending sporting events in Detroit. The action on the field sometimes spills into the stands.
What if Billy Martin had an alter ego that was a fantastic hitter? That would be the alliteratively named Ferris Fain. And boy, could this guy beat opposing pitchers.