Mr. Team Could Have Been Captain America
Bob Elliott carried his teams through several tough seasons and would have undoubtedly brought the same intensity to the military if not for some wayward baseballs.
The Man with a Plan
Gene Hermanski came up with a plan to foil would be assassins of Jackie Robinson while also figuring out to get into almost every major issue of early 1950s baseball cards.
Have Bat, Will Travel
Felix Jose had trouble cracking major league lineups. That didn’t stop him from building a multi-decade professional career that encompassed almost 3,000 hits.
The Most Influential Player of the Last 50 Years Is…
A 2002 interview in a California driveway eventually caught the attention of congress and led to changes that brought down the steroid era.
Happy New Year! 2022 Shifting to 2023
Dozens of new cards and some improvements in the design of my blog.
Topps Stopped Selling Gum with Cards when Luis Gonzalez Arrived. Coincidence?
eBay is full of weird stuff. The online auction of used celebrity bubble gum features prominently in this story.
1993 Finest: Mike Stanton
Teams went to Mike Stanton more often than the Yankees reached for Mariano Rivera. That tells you something.