Set Collecting
Remember Kevin Brown? He Was Pretty Good.
A temperamental pitcher from the steroid era is generally overlooked from lists of the game’s best players. His refractor card is low-key hard to find too.
Playing the Role of Duke Snider
Snider’s career was seemingly dreamed up by a group of Hollywood writers. This card was picked up in my first card show since the 1990s.
Probably the Best Baseball Player Ever Named After a Car
Marquis Grissom’s parents were running out of ideas when naming their 16 children.
Hand Over the Batting Crown and Nobody Gets Hurt
John Kruk roomed with a crew of bank robbers in the late 1980s, then tried to hide while maintaining one of the highest profile jobs one can have.
Orel Hershiser Takes Baseball Cards Very Seriously
The subject of one of the most hoarded 1993 refractors is an accomplished baseball card collector himself. Just don’t ask him to sign one.
The Refractor That Breaks Your Set
For years this has been one of the toughest refractors for set builders to obtain.
A Dozen Strikeouts in Three Innings, Plus a Refractor Library Card
Someone faked Chuck Finley’s identity to save books from being culled at a library.
Refractor Family Album
The DeShields family has a growing number of refractor cards bearing their name. I can’t wait until Delino takes over as skipper of a MLB club.